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01/02/2019 Calling all pirates! Would you like to be a Cat?

The Limelight Theatre Company are calling all would be Pirates for their forthcoming production of Cats.

Why a pirate?

For those that are not familiar with the award-winning Andrew Lloyd Webber musical Cats, Gus the Theatre Cat, has a dream sequence, in which one of his most favourite characters is brought to life: Growltiger. 

“Growltiger is a fierce and brutal cat who plies up and down the River Thames causing havoc wherever he goes. However, he ultimately meets his end when his ship is swarmed by Siamese cats who force him to walk the plank.”

So there is the pirate link! Could you be part of this dream sequence?

Who is Gus?

“Gus the theatre cat looks a little frail these days, sitting at the theatre doors, thinking about his heyday. His paws now shake from old age yet in his youth he was quite famous.”

He has played every possible part, one of his favourite being the infamous Growltiger and in the production, during a dream sequence, the Jellicle cats gather around to hear the story of Growltiger’s last stand.

More about the pirate Growltiger

“Growltiger was known as the roughest cat to roam at large. He travelled up and down the Thames on a barge with his Raffish Crew. From Gravesend to Oxford, he made those along the river quiver in their boots. All, that is, except his lady love, Griddlebone. Growltiger had “no eye or ear for aught but Griddlebone” and Griddlebone, for her part, seemed “enraptured by his manly baritone”.

Growltiger’s fate looked sealed when, with a burst of fireworks, the Siamese cats swarmed aboard, capturing the surrendered Growltiger and forcing him to walk the plank.

Auditions for pirates

So do you think you could play one of these cats? The dream sequence calls upon your acting skills as a fighter, pirate, a real character cat…..

Contact the Limelight Theatre Company NOW to register your interest via email hello@limelightnorwich.co.uk

Cats the Musical

Rehearsals: start this month – February

Show dates: Dress rehearsal Tuesday 28th May – Opening night Wednesday 29th May with an evening performance each night through to and including Saturday 1st June, plus a matinee performance on Saturday 1st June.

If you would like to find out more about our forthcoming show then do have a look at our recent news article by clicking here

All those participating will need to become members of the Limelight Theatre Company at a small cost.




I was blown away by the fantastic production of Cats at the Maddermarket. Many bravos and encores to everyone involved, especially the very young yet very talented cast.

Cats audience member – Janet