01603 400 096

04/12/2017 Exam success again with the Limelight Theatre Company

Christmas has come early for those Limelight Theatre Company students who recently took their London College of Music exams! Once again we achieved 100% pass rate, with some truly amazing results.

All our students received either a merit or distinction, with over half gaining marks of 90 and above. Grades ranged from grade 1, through to grade 6. The student taking grade 6, who also gained a distinction, is awarded UCAS points too.

Limelight Studios were certainly a delight to be heard on exam day, with all students prepared for their Musical Theatre singing exams. Costumes, props and of course the knowledge to discuss their chosen songs with the examiner, all at the ready.

A massive well done to all for their hard work and dedication!


Zelda Rolfe offers one to one singing and vocal coaching lessons, from £12 per half hour. If you are interested to find out more then do telephone the studios on 01603 400096.


Just to say, I really enjoyed Matilda! The youngsters did an amazing job on a comparatively small stage for such a production. Yes, we spotted Lois who was excellent in her parts! I have seen it in London so knew the story but never read the book— Rita says she might do that now! Jean x

Audience member, Jean, sends her best wishes to Lois in Matilda the Musical JR.