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10/08/2018 Timetable announced for Limelight Theatre Company

Is it that time already? New class timetable announced for the autumn term for Limelight Theatre company. Now also includes Performing Arts for Home Educators and Musical Theatre sessions too!

The Limelight Theatre Company are delighted to publish their autumn class timetable. The new academic year starts Thursday 6th September 2018. (See below)

New sessions to our timetable

Zelda Rolfe is delighted to be offering weekly daytime sessions for those children who are Home Educated. This follows on from a successful trial session in July. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive from both the children and their parents. According to edyourself.org, Norfolk has one of the highest numbers of home educators in the UK – information taken from the Norfolk website henorfolk.wordpress.com. This website has plenty of good resources to assist you if you are currently HE or are thinking about the possibility of doing so.

These sessions of Performing Arts for Home Educators are for any child, aged 5+ who is home educated and who would like a chance to develop their acting skills. There is the opportunity to be involved in the annual performance that all children who attend classes at Limelight can enjoy. For 2019 we again take to the stage at the Maddermarket, 28th May – 1st June. For more information and news about these Home Educated sessions please see our Facebook event.

Another brand new session is our Musical Theatre class. This is designed to work in conjunction with our existing drama classes. By adding in movement and singing, these add to your existing skills of improvisation, script work, drama and timing. This wide range of skills enables all students to have a greater understanding of just how a musical comes together on the stage. At a time when musicals are seeing a fabulous renaissance what better time for your budding actor to join these lively, fun and educational sessions.

And returning to our timetable

Also, returning to our timetable is our First Steps classes. These sessions have been specifically designed for children who will be starting school in September 2019. The year before starting school can be a difficult one, not only for the child but parents too, as they gear up for that daily separation. Our First Steps offers just that, a first step away from mum, dad, grandparents, to enable the child to develop their confidence, communication and cooperation, long before that first day of school. In this gentle, fun environment, using puppets, song, movement and games, children will learn the first steps in drama, helping with their imagination, empathy, creativity and teamwork. Role play can be used to assist in the transition from home to school, leaving everyone happier on that very first day of school.

Continuation for our timetable

In addition to the new classes, we are of course still running our Next Steps classes. Children in Reception to year 2 often need a boost to their confidence, especially in the first term of their new school year. Next Steps can offer the support, together with an emotional outlet!

Our successful drama sessions for children aged 7-11, continue to offer 3 different weekly sessions, whilst our senior drama, for those aged 12-18 has grown again in number.

In addition to all of the above, Zelda Rolfe continues to offer her individual vocal coaching and singing lessons. These are for both children and adults. Zelda offers a mentoring service for those who are looking to make a career on the stage a reality or perhaps need extra tuition in readiness for GCSEs and “A” Levels. These sessions are offered daily, by arrangement.

For more information please do contact us, either by telephone 01603 400096 or email hello@limelightnorwich.co.uk

Autumn 2018 Limelight Theatre Company timetable:


11.00-12.00hrs Performing Arts for Home Educated children – age 5+ **NEW**


16.30-17.30hrs Drama – age 7-11


13.50-14.30hrs First Steps – age 3&4, designed for the year prior to starting reception class at school **NEW**

16.00-16.40hrs Next Steps – age 4-6, for those in Reception to year 2

18.00-19.00hrs Senior drama – age 12-18


09.00-10.00 Drama – age 7-11

10.15-11.15hrs KIDZ Choir – group singing for 7+

11.30-12.30hrs Drama – age 7-11

12.45-13.45 Musical Theatre – age 10-16 **NEW**

Term dates



“Thank you for allowing ‘Shrek The Musical’ to rehearse in these fantastic Studios. Our cast has felt very looked after and supported. The show has gone from strength to strength. Without good rehearsal spaces you cant have a good show. Thank you again, we look forward to returning soon.”

Nigel Harman, Actor / Director